The mission of The American Kings University is to provide opportunities for quality studies in the fields of Business Administration for students who are adult professionals. Inherent within the institutional mission is the commitment to offer programs that incorporate: (a) foundational core curricula, (b) areas of specialized study, and (c) problem-centered research within the context of high ethical standards and an international perspective. The expectation prevails that The American Kings University graduates, having pursued this sequence, are in a position to utilize their acquired proficiencies for continued investigation and dissemination.


The University is dedicated to the advanced study of issues germane to Business Administration and Education. Within an academic learning environment that extends beyond the common core curricula and concentrated courses of study, the faculty and administration have defined institutional purposes as follows:

  • To function as a community of scholars wherein adult professionals can pursue their academic interests through dialogue with faculty and students;
  • To provide graduate programs designed to challenge professional adults who seek the acquisition of further knowledge in their respective areas of inquiry;
  • To foster creative thinking that identifies problems within the business or education environments, and to explore academic sources for new approaches to problem
  • To promote high ethical standards in personal, academic, and professional conduct;
  • To advance international understanding and disseminate a global perspective within the fields of professional education and business administration.



The American Kings University was established to solve the unique problems faced by adults with family and career responsibilities that desire to earn graduate degrees in business administration but are unable to do so at traditional institutions. Often this is due to fixed academic calendars, class schedules inconsistent with their needs, and the difficulty in commuting to distant campuses.

Degree programs of The American Kings University are designed in accordance with the following objectives:

  • To provide scholarly and professionally oriented education at the bachelor, master's and doctoral levels for persons preparing for, or who are engaged in, careers in business and/or education;
  • To require student acquisition of the core body of knowledge representative of the degree programs offered;
  • To ensure relevance and practical application of course content by drawing on the expertise of faculty advisory committees and representatives of the education, business, government and legal communities;
  • To require student knowledge of current and authoritative information in the fields of business;
  • To stimulate and hone higher levels of intellectual, analytical, critical thinking and depth of knowledge abilities in each student;
  • To develop student skills in research techniques, professional writing, and research reporting;
  • To challenge students to study research applications in business to develop the qualifications to conduct efficient, independent investigations;
  • To promote ethical values and foster commitment to life-long learning.


The American Kings University academic programs are based on the concept that the disciplines of Business Administration share methods of inquiry of the social sciences. As a consequence, the educational philosophy of the University is grounded on the belief that higher learning requires an integration of;

  • a common core of knowledge resulting from the methods of investigation germane to a given discipline;
  • insights gained from related, specialized areas of the discipline; and
  • an intimate knowledge of a particular area of inquiry through the research process. Our academic programs have been designed in accordance with this philosophy. The American Kings University holds to the belief that:
  • the central interest of the institution is the Student;
  • learning is an active, life-long process'
  • experiencing success is crucial to the learning process;
  • dialogue between faculty and student can be a catalyst to learning, and quality of instruction and learning are inextricably interwoven.

The American Kings University is committed to providing the strongest possible base for a lifetime of ethical professional practice approached from an academic and educational perspective. Knowledge, techniques, skills, and insights gained from individual research are essential to professional preparation. Since Students at The American Kings University are highly motivated, well-organized, and selfdirected practitioners, these abilities are readily integrated with the student's professional and personal goals of service to their communities.

The American Kings University subscribes to the concept of accountability for the quality and accessibility of its academic programs. As the Student's mode of acquisition undergoes change to accommodate the need to function in an increasingly complex environment, and as knowledge about learning expands, Kings University believes that continuing program review and improvement is an essential, concurrent process. It is anticipated that the 21st Century will reveal a globally interactive world society to which academic institutions must be continually responsive.


The American Kings University's student learning outcomes are in the process of being implemented throughout all degree programs within the University. The Office of Assessment and Institutional Learning is working with programs to guide the assessment of these outcomes. All degree programs have articulated their learning outcomes, which will also reflect the University's value of educational effectiveness.

Outcome 1
Students understand and apply the University philosophy in their personal and professional lives.Outcome 2
Students understand the importance of integrating the University's values in their personal and professional lives.Outcome 3
Students demonstrate critical thinking and depth of knowledge.
Outcome 4
Students develop a commitment to discovery and lifelong learning.
Outcome 5
Students demonstrate effective communication skills in English.
Outcome 6
Students demonstrate effective use of technology appropriate to the discipline.
Outcome 7
Students understand the importance of embracing and serving a diverse world.
Outcome 8
Students demonstrate the importance of collaborating with others within and across disciplines.

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